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upbankapi.models.Account #

Bases: ModelBase

Representation of an Account.

id: str class-attribute #

The unique identifier for this account.

name: str class-attribute #

The name associated with the account in the Up application.

type: AccountType class-attribute #

The bank account type of this account.

ownership_type: OwnershipType class-attribute #

The ownership structure for this account.

balance: float class-attribute #

The available balance of the account, taking into account any amounts that are currently on hold.

balance_in_base_units: int class-attribute #

The amount of money in the smallest denomination for the currency.

currency: str class-attribute #

The ISO 4217 currency code.

created_at: datetime class-attribute #

The datetime at which this account was first opened.

transactions(*, status=None, since=None, until=None, category=None, tag=None, limit=None, page_size=DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) #

Retrieves transactions for this account.


Name Type Description Default
status TransactionStatus

The transaction status for which to return records.

since datetime

The start datetime from which to return records.

until datetime

The end datetime up to which to return records.

category Union[str, PartialCategory]

The category/id identifier for which to filter transactions. Raises exception for invalid category.

tag Union[str, Tag]

A transaction tag/id to filter for which to return records. Returns empty if tag does not exist.

limit int

The maximum number of records to return.

page_size int

The number of records to return in each page. (max appears to be 100)



Type Description

A paginated list of the transactions.

__repr__() #

Return the representation of the account.