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This is an unofficial Python API wrapper for the Australian Bank Up's API.


pip install up-bank-api
pip install up-bank-api[async]


To use this library you will need a personal access token which can be retrieved from When using this library you can either provide the token directly or use the environment variable UP_TOKEN.

from upbankapi import Client, NotAuthorizedException

# implicitly use the environment variable UP_TOKEN
client = Client()

# or directly provide token
client = Client(token="MY_TOKEN")

# check the token is valid
    user_id =
    print(f"Authorized: {user_id}")
except NotAuthorizedException:
    print("The token is invalid")
import asyncio
from upbankapi import AsyncClient, NotAuthorizedException

async def main():
    # implicitly use the environment variable UP_TOKEN
    client = AsyncClient()

    # or directly provide token
    client = AsyncClient(token="MY_TOKEN")

    # use a context manager to automatically close the aiohttp session
    async with AsyncClient() as client:
            user_id = await
            print(f"Authorized: {user_id}")
        except NotAuthorizedException:
            print("The token is invalid")

if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from upbankapi import AsyncClient, NotAuthorizedException

async def main():
    # use a context manager to automatically close the aiohttp session
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        # implicitly use the environment variable UP_TOKEN
        client = AsyncClient(session=session)

        # or directly provide token
        client = AsyncClient(token="MY_TOKEN", session=session)

            user_id = await
            print(f"Authorized: {user_id}")
        except NotAuthorizedException:
            print("The token is invalid")

if __name__ == "__main__":

We will assume top-level await is possible for the following examples.


from upbankapi import Client

client = Client()
accounts = client.accounts()

# get the unique id of an account

# get a specific account by its unique id
account = client.account("d7cd1152-e78a-4ad7-8202-d27cddb02a28")

from upbankapi import AsyncClient

client = AsyncClient()
accounts = await client.accounts()

# get the unique id of an account
# this is an async paginated list so we must use `await` to get an item
# as it may need to make a request to fetch additional content.
print((await accounts[1]).id)

# get a specific account by its unique id
account = await client.account("d7cd1152-e78a-4ad7-8202-d27cddb02a28")

>>> "d7cd1152-e78a-4ad7-8202-d27cddb02a28"
>>> <Account '💰 Savings' (SAVER): 12345.67 AUD>
>>> 12345.67


Print all accounts and their transactions
from upbankapi import Client, NotAuthorizedException

client = Client()
accounts = client.accounts()

# list accounts
for account in accounts:

    # list transactions for account
    for transaction in account.transactions(limit=10):
>>> <Account 'Up Account' (TRANSACTIONAL): 1234.56 AUD>
>>> <Transaction SETTLED: -1.0 AUD [7-Eleven]>
>>> <Account '💰 Savings' (SAVER): 12345.67 AUD>
>>> <Transaction SETTLED: 10.0 AUD [Interest]>
Print all accounts and their transactions
from upbankapi import AsyncClient, NotAuthorizedException

client = AsyncClient()
accounts = await client.accounts()

# list accounts
async for account in accounts:

    # list transactions for account
    async for transaction in await account.transactions(limit=10):
>>> <Account 'Up Account' (TRANSACTIONAL): 1234.56 AUD>
>>> <Transaction SETTLED: -1.0 AUD [7-Eleven]>
>>> <Account '💰 Savings' (SAVER): 12345.67 AUD>
>>> <Transaction SETTLED: 10.0 AUD [Interest]>


from upbankapi import Client

client = Client()

# get a specific transaction by its unique id
transaction = client.transaction("17c577f2-ae8e-4622-90a7-87d95094c2a9")


# the API only gives us a partial category for the transaction, so we can 
# resolve the full category information using `.category()`. This will
# return itself if it's already a full category object.

# we don't need to resolve the full category to use it, for example,
# we can fetch all transactions from the parent category of the transaction.
transactions = transaction.category.parent.transactions(limit=10)

>>> <Transaction SETTLED: -1.0 AUD [7-Eleven]>
>>> <PartialCategoryParent id='takeaway' parent='good-life'>

>>> <Category 'Takeaway': id='takeaway' parent='good-life'>

>>> [<Transaction SETTLED: -1.0 AUD [7-Eleven]>]
from upbankapi import AsyncClient

client = AsyncClient()

# get a specific transaction by its unique id
transaction = await client.transaction("17c577f2-ae8e-4622-90a7-87d95094c2a9")


# the API only gives us a partial category for the transaction, so we can 
# resolve the full category information using `.category()`. This will
# return itself if it's already a full category object.
print(await transaction.category.category())

# we don't need to resolve the full category to use it, for example,
# we can fetch all transactions from the parent category of the transaction.
transactions = await transaction.category.parent.transactions(limit=10)

print([x async for x in transactions])
>>> <Transaction SETTLED: -1.0 AUD [7-Eleven]>
>>> <PartialCategoryParent id='takeaway' parent='good-life'>

>>> <Category 'Takeaway': id='takeaway' parent='good-life'>

>>> [<Transaction SETTLED: -1.0 AUD [7-Eleven]>]


Get all transactions for all accounts

>>> [<Transaction SETTLED: -1.0 AUD [7-Eleven]>, <Transaction SETTLED: 10.0 AUD [Interest]>]
Get all transactions for all accounts
print([x async for x in await client.transactions()])

>>> [<Transaction SETTLED: -1.0 AUD [7-Eleven]>, <Transaction SETTLED: 10.0 AUD [Interest]>]

Get last 5 transactions for a given account
SAVINGS_ID = "d7cd1152-e78a-4ad7-8202-d27cddb02a28"


# alternative which avoids making an extra request for the account details
print(client.transactions(SAVINGS_ID, limit=5))

# using an account object
account = client.account(SAVINGS_ID)
print(client.transactions(account, limit=5))

>>> [<Transaction SETTLED: 10.0 AUD [Interest]>]
Get last 5 transactions for a given account
SAVINGS_ID = "d7cd1152-e78a-4ad7-8202-d27cddb02a28"

print(await (await client.account(SAVINGS_ID)).transactions(limit=5))

# alternative which avoids making an extra request for the account details
print(await client.transactions(SAVINGS_ID, limit=5))

# using an account object
account = await client.account(SAVINGS_ID)
print(await client.transactions(account, limit=5))

>>> [<Transaction SETTLED: 10.0 AUD [Interest]>]


List users webhooks

>>> [<Webhook '1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001': https://mywebhook.tld/c2f89ed40e26c936 (Hello World!)>]
Get a specific webhook
# or equivalently

>>> <Webhook '1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001': https://mywebhook.tld/c2f89ed40e26c936 (Hello World!)>
Create a webhook
        "https://mywebhook.tld/c2f89ed40e26c936", description="Hello World!"

>>> <Webhook '1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001': https://mywebhook.tld/c2f89ed40e26c936 (Hello World!)>
Interacting with a webhook
webhook = client.webhook("1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001")

# ping the webhook
>>> <WebhookEvent PING: webhook_id='1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001'>

# get the webhooks logs
>>> [<WebhookLog BAD_RESPONSE_CODE: response_code=404>]

# get the event associated with a log entry
>>> <WebhookEvent PING: webhook_id='1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001'>

# delete the webhook, raises exception on failure, `True` on success.
>>> True
List users webhooks
print([x async for x in await client.webhooks()])

>>> [<Webhook '1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001': https://mywebhook.tld/c2f89ed40e26c936 (Hello World!)>]
Get a specific webhook
print(await client.webhook("1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001"))
# or equivalently
print(await client.webhook.get("1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001"))

>>> <Webhook '1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001': https://mywebhook.tld/c2f89ed40e26c936 (Hello World!)>
Create a webhook
    await client.webhook.create(
        "https://mywebhook.tld/c2f89ed40e26c936", description="Hello World!"

>>> <Webhook '1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001': https://mywebhook.tld/c2f89ed40e26c936 (Hello World!)>
Interacting with a webhook
webhook = await client.webhook("1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001")

# ping the webhook
>>> <WebhookEvent PING: webhook_id='1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001'>

# get the webhooks logs
print([x async for x in await webhook.logs()])
>>> [<WebhookLog BAD_RESPONSE_CODE: response_code=404>]

# get the event associated with a log entry
logs = await webhook.logs()
print((await logs[0]).event)
>>> <WebhookEvent PING: webhook_id='1c3a4fd4-6c57-4aa8-8481-cf31a46bc001'>

# delete the webhook, raises exception on failure, `True` on success.
print(await webhook.delete())
>>> True

When interacting with a specific webhook there are two options.

For example the two code blocks below have the same result (deleting the webhook), however, the first option uses 2 requests and the second option uses only 1 request. This is because option 1 will request the webhook details, and then send the delete request. Option 2 directly sends the delete request.

Option 1
Option 2

Each option can be useful depending on the use case. Option 2 is primarily useful when you do not already have the Webhook object but have the id and only want to perform a single action.


Up's API uses pagination, this means methods in this library that return more than one record will return a PaginatedList. This is effectively just an iterator. Every page_size records the instance of PaginatedList will make a request for the next page_size records.

A limit can be used to limit the maximum number of records returned, when a limit is specified the iterator will never return more than limit but can return less. The default is no limit, so it will return all records.

from upbankapi import Client

client = Client()

transactions = client.transactions(limit=5)



from upbankapi import AsyncClient

client = AsyncClient()

transactions = await client.transactions(limit=5)



print([x async for x in transactions])
>>> <upbankapi.models.pagination.AsyncPaginatedList object at 0x00000256206D5720>
>>> 2
>>> [<Transaction SETTLED: -1.0 AUD [7-Eleven]>, <Transaction SETTLED: 10.0 AUD [Interest]>]

PaginatedList supports slicing, it still returns an iterator and will fetch the records as required.

from upbankapi import Client

client = Client()

transactions = client.transactions(limit=20)

from upbankapi import AsyncClient

client = AsyncClient()

transactions = await client.transactions(limit=20)

print([x async for x in transactions[10:20]])
>>> [<Transaction ...>, ...]

While it may appear the slice [:limit] has the same effect as providing the limit argument, it does not, when you specify a limit the code optimises the page size. For example, using the slice [:5] will fetch the first 20 records and return only 5, using limit=5 it will fetch and return the only first 5 records. Alternatively, if you manually specify page_size=5 then both options have the same effect.

Rate Limiting#

Up's API is rate limited, and a RateLimitExceededException will be raised if you exceed this. After making a request to the API the number of remaining requests will be available through client.rate_limit.remaining. The limit appears to be 1000 requests/h.

It's recommended that if you are iterating over transactions at you use a limit or slice to avoid fetching all transactions.

Additionally, when fetching a large number of transactions, you should increase the page_size option to reduce the number of individual requests made.